Stationery to power your productivity

A great deal of excitement has come alongside the easing of national restrictions now that we can at long last return to shops, pubs, restaurants and gyms. However, with the prospect of normality these changes have brought, comes great potential for distraction and a reduction in productivity in office – whether that be at home, or finally back in the workplace. Therefore, there is no time like the present to re-evaluate the way you work, put pen to paper and ensure your mind remains stimulated and devoid of distraction.
The best methods of how to be productive or how to boost employee productivity are generally down to improving organisational skills, and at the heart of being well-organised, we believe is having good stationery. On this note, I wish to bring into focus both our week to view diaries as well as our 5 Year Diaries and our wide selection of journals.
Personally, when it comes to planning out my day, week, or month, I first use my diary. Having one place to put plans whether leisure or business related is key to staying on top of tasks while also creating an awareness of the need to schedule time to relax. Once this is done, I am able to get on with work feeling at ease with the knowledge that I have it well-balanced with fun plans ahead.
In order to work efficiently, it is a good idea to have a journal or notebook (or two, or three!) in which to jot down any and all your important notes. There is nothing worse than adding to work-related stresses with stray bits of paper everywhere!
The Noble Macmillan journal ranges come in a variety of styles and sizes, suitable for a multitude of needs and/or budgets. Our pocket journals are perfect for making notes on-the-go, and our variety of larger journals are desktop staples for making lists, setting goals, and prioritising work tasks or, indeed, general admin.
Please find the stationery section of our website and browse the diaries, notebooks and journals we have available to find the one best suited to you!