How to Write a Travel Diary

Travel diaries and notebooks are a wonderful thing. When a person is asked what their hobbies and interests are, the chances are that one will be travel. The urge to explore new places and experience different cultures is something so many of us have in common.
Spring especially sparks a wish to go abroad and have these experiences as we are all getting ready for summer sunshine. Whether your next trip is imminent or in a matter of months, beginning a travel diary or journal is a fantastic way to prepare and get excited for your upcoming adventure… Furthermore, why not make it a luxury travel diary?
What is a travel journal?
A travel diary (or travel journal – whichever you prefer), is a book in which you can accumulate the beginnings of travel plans, from aspirations to the nitty gritty of budgets, as well as daily logs of good and bad memories once you make your trip. It provides an excellent space to reflect on your journey. In fact, a written reflection in your diary is a wonderful way to round it off prior to planning your next trip in another book. It is a way of remembering all the highs and lows of your trip, allowing you to cherish them forever and learn from them for your next adventure.

How to write a travel diary?
All great trips begin with aspiration. My own travel journals begin with listing the places which I aspire to go to – usually either multiple countries or places within one country. From here I can use the diary to work out where is possible from a combination of holiday time available and budget… yes, the less exciting bit.
Once the selection process is complete it’s time for the exciting bit which is finding places to stay, sites to see, activities to do, and for the foodies out there, all the must-try restaurants in the area.
You can then use this information to create an itinerary. Next stop – your trip!
While on your trip is when the journal moves from being a notebook to your diary. That way you can record, when possible, your experiences, the feelings you had experiencing them (good or bad), people you’ve met and the conversations you had, and even include any memorabilia. Following your trip, the book should be used to go over the high moments and the low moments and find what you’ve learned from them to make the most of this knowledge for your next trip.

Why write a travel diary?
Regardless of the trip’s purpose, whether it be for business, an event, or a great adventure, writing a travel diary is a fantastic way to ensure you really stop and absorb your surroundings. It enables you to capture the moments so that you really remember them.
I have travel journals from years ago that bring a smile to my face each time I come across them and I often have a flick through because of the extraordinary and funny details I recorded. Both the act of writing your travel diary and in particular the moments you have looking back over them are hugely fulfilling.
By putting descriptions of your whereabouts and your thoughts and feelings on a page, you find you notice more about the cultures, food, and people you are experience – all incredible things to look back upon from a different perspective in the future.
Aside from documenting memories, these journals look fantastic lined up on a shelf. My preferred journal is the Noble Macmillan Calfskin Lined Journal (pictured below). They come in an array of colours and the elastic strap is an invaluable extra to allow your book to hold all sorts of added memorabilia such as train tickets and post cards.

A travel diary is an excellent reminder of why to travel. A look at why you’ve been saving that money and not buying the pair of shoes you don’t need or going on just another night out – things and moments that won’t stay with you forever like those you have travelling.
Although my favourite is indeed the Noble Macmillan Calfskin Lined Journal, we have plenty of options suitable for whatever your preferred size or colour. Simply check out the notebooks and journals collection of the stationery section of our website to explore your choices.
And if you are the type of person who just loves writing, check out our guide on the joys of writing handwritten letters.