Scrapbook ideas for your next craft project

Scrapbooking has been a much-loved hobby for generations. There are a great deal of reasons why this pastime has endured, least of which are its fantastic therapeutic qualities as well as its ability to bring people together.
Like the beloved photo album, a scrapbook gathers memories in one place so that they can be shared with loved ones long after they have happened.
However, a scrapbook goes a step further because it is made to hold all sorts of other memorabilia as well as photos, including letters, train tickets, newspaper clippings and much more.
Daunting though the task may be, we have compiled some great ideas on how to make a scrapbook to help you embark upon the process. Firstly, we recommend you begin to save any attractive and fun bits of material wherever they may come from – wrapping paper, ribbons etc – and store them away to be brought out when scrapbooking. These are the items which will really jazz up the interior of your book and bring the pages together (as well as being a wonderful method of reusing materials otherwise destined for the bin).
And what do you wish to base the content of your scrapbook on? It might be that, like a photo album, you record memories of a certain period of time or a great trip you went on. For example, you might include plane tickets alongside images while traveling, or flyers for a great (or terrible) event you went to. Alternatively, you might be a plant enthusiast. In which case a scrapbook is the perfect place to keep pressed flowers or perhaps drawings and scribblings of beautiful flora.
You have the opportunity to get creative with your scrapbooking. In addition to storing fun materials to use, think of the tools to be used however experimental they might be. These tools can range from markers and fine tip pens, to simply thinking of the playful ways in which you can stick thing down to make the page really sing...
As for the scrapbook itself? Our Noble Macmillan scrapbooks are timeless in style and made to last a lifetime. Therefore we believe there is no greater book to start with when creating something to archive so many utterly precious memories.